Vanhamel Antwerp
Antwerp, Belgium
Sunday December 17th, 2023 we headed to Antwerp Central Station for the 6th edition. Time to give something back in humanity to the less fortunate. Since 2016 I have organized this event every year on the Sunday before Christmas.
This year we took our initial project further and incorporated numerous organizations that welcome and take care of young children and youth that have been taken away from their parents home struggling with trauma, drugs and abuse. It was heartwarming to be able to help our future. Haircuts, clothing, soup, sandwiches, coffee, survival kits were only a few of the things we offered these gorgeous human beings. But the most important of all, hearing their voices and stories. Understanding them and making them feel understood. But the biggest reason of my project is awareness. Knowing that every day approximately 32000 people travel through Antwerp Central Station, I wanted to reach more people’s attention. If maybe; just maybe 1% of those 32000; next time will look after someone and help them. Then, it might be a small change to create a more human and better world.”
Ongoing plans - My goal for 2025 is to take my project further and “broader”. I am in the process of communicating with other hairdressers in Belgium to create a way where we can take on different cities on the same day. My next “idea” is to maybe turn my project into a “European or bigger” event (hopefully with the support of KEVIN.MURPHY)
Peter Vanhamel