Blonde woman with soft waves in a white embroidered dress posing against a leafy background
Blonde woman with soft waves in a white embroidered dress posing against a leafy background

Your body has gone through a whirlwind of changes over the last 9 months. And while the elation of having a child makes you forget about everything your body just went through, for many, the next 9 months is just as challenging. From hair loss to dry scalps or simply finding the time to do your hair, when it comes to rebalancing your life after a baby these are our top tips for a new hair care routine for postpartum hair.

How To Navigate Postpartum Hair & Create a New Hair Care Routine

When you’re pregnant you face different kinds of challenges when it comes to your hair. To begin with, while pregnant your hair stops shedding like normal, so you will notice a natural increase in volume and thickness — which for many can prove challenging when styling.

Then, once you have a baby, your hormones immediately shift and drop. This can cause a sudden onset of hair loss as well as scalp issues and even a change in hair texture. 

For many women navigating postpartum hair care, hair loss is one of the most difficult tasks to manage.

You go from having bouncy, full hair one day to experiencing an extreme degree of hair loss. Many women see more hair loss around the hairline, which leads to a “baby bang” phenomenon as it starts to grow back.

How To Improve Your Postpartum Hair Care Routine

Focus On The Scalp

While switching up your diet and continuing to take vitamins can help increase growth, there is not much you can do to stop your hair from shedding postpartum. Instead, focus on balancing your hormones and finding haircare that nourishes from scalp to ends.

To increase circulation and enhance hair growth, starting a new scalp routine is ideal. While you might not have as much time to pamper yourself as you normally would, working in a pre-shampoo SCRUB or TREATMENT is a quick and easy add-on to any shower. Or simply apply a targeting treatment like the SCALP.SPA SERUM at any time to soothe, hydrate and nourish your scalp. Because many will experience scalp sensitivity during this time, this SERUM becomes a welcome treat.

Be Gentle With Your Hair

From avoiding chemical services to turning down the heat when styling or using a detangler — anything you can do to be gentle on your hair postpartum is key. Because hair is in a highly sensitive state already, swap your normal blow dry for air-drying with KILLER.TWIRLS and always prep hair with UN.TANGLED before gently combing with a wide-toothed TEXTURE.COMB. When you do heat style, always prep with BLOW.DRY WASH + BLOW.DRY RINSE + HEATED.DEFENSE to protect against excess hair damage.

Rejuvenate When You Simply Don’t Have The Time

For the days you don’t have the time to take care of your hair but you still want a treat — work YOUNG.AGAIN DRY CONDITIONER into your routine. Coupled with refreshing FRESH.HAIR or simply on its own, YOUNG.AGAIN DRY CONDITIONER rejuvenates hair with Immortelle and Baobab oils to hydrate and enhance moisture while improving dry, damaged, or brittle hair.

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Focus on balancing hormones and nourishing your scalp. Use the SCALP.SPA regimen, including SCALP.SPA SCRUB, TREATMENT, WASH, and SERUM, to enhance circulation and support hair growth.

Avoid chemical treatments and high heat. Use KILLER.TWIRLS for air-drying, UN.TANGLED before combing with a wide-toothed TEXTURE.COMB, and HEATED.DEFENSE for heat protection when styling.

Use YOUNG.AGAIN DRY CONDITIONER to hydrate and improve dry, brittle hair. Pair with FRESH.HAIR dry shampoo for a quick refresh. These products contain Immortelle and Baobab oils to enhance moisture and manageability.